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Project Outreach

During the course of this project we have run a range of outreach activities at Ilford Sainsbury’s including an object handling table with historic cameras, a young person’s photography trail, and a rooftop history talk and landscape photography workshop.  

The Rooftop History Talks and Landscape Photography Workshops took place on the roof of Sainsbury’s, Ilford. The talks made use of photos, maps and sound clips from the archive to bring the history of Ilford Limited and Ilford town to life. By standing on the roof of the building participants were able to see the sites of history being discussed and compare Ilford today to the Ilford described in the talk.


One of the talks was also accompanied by a photography workshop facilitated by Arnie Göbel  from the Woodford and Wanstead Photographic Society. During this workshop participants photographed the view from the roof. Arnie’s photos are below:

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